Either Give Fair Coverage Or We Pull Your FCC Licenses!

Video Rebel's Blog

We need to go beyond Left and Right to found an anti-Banker party. Dr Michael Hudson.

Republicans are used to unfair reporting from the news media because the press in the US is mostly Jewish owned and both pro-Israel and pro-Wall Street. But this year has been rather astounding. When Bernie Sanders supporters converged on Debbie Wasserman Schultz to blame her for rigging the primaries for Hillary, MSNBC said 99% applauded the former head of the DNC. I saw the raw video of Sanders supporters booing her and yelling, „Bernie. Bernie.“ The TV audience never saw the anti-Hillary protesters outside the convention center chanting, „Lock her up! Lock her up!“

What angered the Bernie delegates was the outright theft of the nomination. Hillary went to Wall Street and raised enough money to buy Super Delegates from a majority of the 50 state Democratic parties. One of the emails referred to…

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Autor: Senatssekretär FREISTAAT DANZIG

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